Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Conway, Airlie Beach, QLD.

Since the weather had picked up after the Whitsundays cruise we decided that we wanted to stay on for another week at Airlie Beach.  This area has a lot to offer the tourist.  The beauty of the azure blue sea waters surrounding the islands, ports, the magic of the mountain ranges covered in layers of mist lit in sunlight, sugar cane as far as the eye can see.  The sundrenched palms, ferns, native trees amongst a vivid backdrop of brilliant greens. 

On Sunday we headed out with Keith and Janet to the Airlie Beach Sunday markets, Dingo Beach famous for its Dingo Burger. But seeing that it was a little early for lunch we headed for Bowen to Flagstaff Hill to take in the tremendous hill top 360 degree views of the top of the Whitsunday coast.  We made our way to the hill top cafe but that was temporarily closed due to power failure so no mango smoothie that day! We also fired Keith as our tour guide.... he never got his license and we didn't get our Dingo Burger!....but ya gotta luv 'im!

All in a days travels we headed back to the caravan park to join up for 'happy hour' and to
meet any newcomers. 

Time!  It is good for the 'blessed'!
Proserpine Sugar Mill...backdrop sensational!

As usual we had a ball, a laugh around the camp pit fire, sharing homemade damper by one of the locals. A real treat!  But the best has to be left till last.  I spent the afternoon tidying up in the van when Daniel approached with some voices accompanying him.  As I went to see who he was with I was absolutely gobsmacked to see that it was friends that we knew on the street where we lived almost 30 years ago! A big hello to Joe and Halina.  It's almost as if time stood still.  The last time we saw each other was about 13 years ago at a mutual friends' 50th birthday (should say hi to Vera and Miron!!!).  All I can say is that time has definitely been kind to them.  It was lovely to catch up with them. We were invited to share dinner with them on fish that they had caught during their stay at Korumba in the top end of QLD.  We promised that on our return to Melbourne in January we would catch up again together with Vera, Miron, Joe and Halina for a barby!  Can't wait! Time to pack up and leave this fantastic place, head North to catch up with Stew and Les to do the 'Big One' now......Cape York! Thanks Airlie Beach for treasured memories.

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