Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Palm Cove and Bramston Beach, FNQ

Palm Cove Foreshore at Daybreak
Today I'm writing from a lovely seaside spot, called Bramston Beach, about 50 kilometres south of Cairns.  I shall recollect my thoughts to write we're we have been, what we've seen since parting ways with Les and Stew. 

We left Wonga Beach (Live longa at Wonga) to head a little further south to a delightful seaside village, Palm Cove.  The lush tropical setting here made you think that you were in paradise. The main esplanade filled with beautiful landscapes of tropical flora that adorned the many private run resorts, restaurants, cafes and the beach front.  There were a few great giant trees that were preserved for their beauty in stature, aged around 400 years.

The Esplanade
Daniel and I spent two days here. Weather was warm, but the South Easterly wind around 30 knotts which made the surf rough.  A walk along the jetty was also a little cool.  My early morning walks continued having established a routine on our final days together with Les.  A few happy shots captured to remember the beauty of this little seaside village.

It has only to be said that there are many such little places along this stretch of Captain Cook Hwy, north of Cairns that are dotted with pretty beaches, stunning gold, white, red sands, stretching palms, glossy green mangroves, cedars, eucalypts.  The sea that stretches out for miles in front of you peppered with little islands, hideaways for some are spectacular sights. 

Our stay in Cairns was extended as the mail from Melbourne had not yet arrived.  Once that had been collected we were ready to continue on the journey that was now going to be south heading back home to Melbourne by the New Year. 

Just one of the many resorts at Palm Cove
Friends that we'd made along the way had suggested that we stop at Bramston Beach for a couple of nights.  With the school holidays having just commenced up here we thought if we could still could get in then we'd stop.  Arriving at the council run park we were not disappointed.  The place, what can I only say, was beautiful.  It was very relaxed with families, kids and their beloved pets, dogs! We set up adjutting the lawn.  It wasn't noisy.  Again the foreshore was dotted with lots of trees, palms, mangroves. 

Another vista of the main street
We took our bikes out for a run to the Russell River National Park, where the creek runs into the mouth of the ocean.  A great ride for sometime upon which we promised to continue as we headed south.  After washing, lunch we headed out to one of the secluded beaches.  Gold sands for miles either side of us, with blue waters stretching out dotted with a few small sail ships, masts up, blowing lazily as the wind took them.  Daniel dropped his line to see if he could catch a few fish.  I just thought that we were in such a beautiful place and have been even luckier to experience just this little amount of what we've already seen in Australia since setting out in January.

By the Fig Tree
The views in this tropical paradise were immense.  To one side we were exposed to mountains rising high above us, covered in the sun's spring mist.  The mountains continued as a full range along the coast line.  Heading east from the highway through thick rainforest, the limest of green grasses, sugar cane fields before hitting the edge of the land to view the beautiful sea.  Still there were the few signs of warnings about crocs in these parts!

Our couple of days here were fantastic, idyllic really, but then where hasn't it been? It's been 'eye candy' everywhere.  I can't and I don't believe that Daniel can complain about anywhere we've been or what we've seen.  We were to be heading on to Townsville but we got a call from Stew and guess what?...we're catching up with them tomorrow at Kurrimine Beach (on the way to Townsville). We'll catch up for a day or two have dinner before we head on down.  Look forward to seeing them both. Bye for now.
River creek in the rainforest
Very cold water

By the Fig Tree

Bramston Beach

View to the Southern end of the beach

When he's not fishing!

The view from our van onto the ocean

The van with the car in the background at dusk

The view at Dusk at Bramston Beach

1 comment:

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