Sunday, December 25, 2011

Home for Christmas xxxxxx

With thoughts surrounding Christmas,family,friends, traditions, celebrations to be had, it was this surreal feeling to see us at home again.  It took me almost a good 6 months to pack, but surprisingly around 9 days to have furniture in place, all boxes unpacked with things back in their beloved place. With this accomplished it almost felt like we had never left or had even been around Australia with about forty thousand kilometres behind us in almost 12 months.

With that I still managed to send out Christmas cards to our friends at home and then the ones that we had made along the trip.  Mission accomplished I could concentrate on Christmas Eve and to have our son and his fiancee home for a meal with us. In between all of this we still managed to laugh at anything and everything including the little fellas who entertained us daily with their antics.

As Mon was overseas I took it upon myself to take some snaps of the little fellas in the event she ever had the opportunity in her hectic holiday schedule to look at 'facebook'! Santa's helpers they were for that time. Christmas Eve was spent with great company, Christmas Day was spent with a greater company, that of Melissa's entire family, in their first home for their first Christmas.

The journey, for now, had come full circle.  The year had begun with such immense sense of adventure, taking us to places that we had only heard, yearned and dreamed for. Reaching the tip of Cape York, an ultimate in any Australian's trekk north was a pinnacle highlight especially to be able to share this with another (favoured) traveller (Les and Stew), to be home grounded was the close to a truly amazing adventure.  Words are not enough to describe the thoughts that race through either
of our minds.  It's the quiet moments between us that one realizes that we are reliving a moment on that trip!

A close to a chapter......but the beginning for many more....!  Bless You and thank You for what we have been given.........

to be continued....................

.....while they lay sleeping!

Christmas Day at last ...with Atlas.....

...........and Atlas again!.......

....and Basil!

.......and his pose!

At Szymon and Mel's for their first family Christmas at home

It was a beautiful day

with gifts for all!

What a great guy!

..and presents for Nina and Evey

A grand Christmas 2011


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