Monday, November 28, 2011

Sydney 2, NSW

We've been to the tip of Cape York, today we reached the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The weather forecast predicted rain for the day. We set out with our weatherproof jackets, hiking shoes, backpack, camera, phone, extra socks, runners and an umbrella at 9.30 in the rain on the way to North Ryde railway station. Purchasing our tickets we made our way a long way underground to take the train into Wynyard. Daniel insisted we walk slowly to our destination, The Rocks, to the Bridge Climb Centre so that we wouldn't get too tired and too hot! Finally arriving I took some photos of the Gift Certificates that we'd been carrying with us for the last 11 months. Daniel a little nervous as he can wasn't sure if his legs were going to turn to jelly for a little fear of heights.

The time came, the procedure started, we were in a small group with 4 other people whom we were all asked to introduce ourselves to and to familiarise ourselves with as we would be in their company for the next 3 and a half hours. With the introductions done we headed into the change rooms. Given a 'space suit' like outfit (1 piece) and waterproof pants over that we headed into another section to meet our tourguides, Michael and Matt. We were additionally equipped with a safety belt, that carried waterproof raincoats (for those that wanted to use them if it rained), a fleece for the head, a beanie for the head (which Daniel took), gloves, a hanky, a radio tansmitter, earphones, glasses straps and straps that attached all of the above to the suit and/or the belt. We felt like we were being dressed like astronauts! Then we had a practice session on how to climb properly on the ladders and down the ladders. Once over this procedure which took about 45 minutes we were ready to head out onto the bridge!

I can honestly that my feet felt like jelly for the first few minutes as we headed out onto the structure. A few deep breaths to overcome the fear and we were all on our way. Believe it or not the rain just held off at that moment as we made progress out on and above as Michael gave us the history of the building of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. With Daniel behind me I felt pretty safe in the event I would fall backwards, I knew where I'd be landing!

Daniel was probably kidding me that he had a fear of heights, he had no problem at all as he managed to climb stairs faster than I could clear them for him to make way after me! We stopped at various points on the bridge for photos taken by Michael. The history of the Bridge was fantastic. It truly has to be one of the world's most famous structures! You need to read about it. I don't think I have enough space in my blog to go through its entirety, so my apologies for that.

Believe this but it only started to spit lightly on our descent. At this point Daniel and I both put on our waterproof jackets. The sights from both the east and west were fantastic even though the weather was overcast and grey. It was an amazing journey. I said to myself that we could do this....I mean we had done the Eifel Tower in 1984!...yeah but we were soooooo much younger then! On our return trip we thanked our guides, filled out a questionnaire, changed into our normal gear. It was a great experience and we just want to say to the four of the kids thank you for this great experience!

It was about 3.00 in the afternoon, our feet were actually quite sore but we ventured back into central Sydney for a well deserved coffee and this time we splashed out on a Cronoli and French Vanilla slice as we rested our poor feet before heading back to the train station for the return journey for our last night at Lane Cove National Park, more rain before we packed up the next day to head off to see friends in Liverpool.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Sydney, NSW.

Can you guess where we are??
Having left Toronto, the weather turned pretty sour.  We stayed at a lovely place on the coast called Avoca Beach.  We'd planned to stay a couple of days but the weather was not good so we decided to make our way into Sydney a day earlier. We contacted Lane Cove National Park, which is the only caravan park about 10 minutes drive into Sydney city central, via public transport.  They confirmed that we could arrive the day earlier so our stay would be for 4 days.  However, since we
had travelled this far south into New South Wales the weather had deteriorated.  The first 48 hours were unbelievably wet.
The approach from the North into the city by car

We were so excited to be here that the rain, didn't stop us from taking a drive across the Sydney Harbour Bridge into town so that we could familiarise ourselves with where we needed to be for the walk on Friday. We managed to find parking so headed off to The Rocks, locating the Bridge Walk Building. Rain having let up for a little, we walked across to Circular Quay and onto the Opera House.  The clouds were so grey, ominous that after some time with obligatory photos taken we made
our way back to the car in the rain.

That afternoon once it started raining around 4.00 in the afternoon it pelted down all night until the next morning.  It was so bad that for the first time during the entire trip we actually turned the heater on in the van! We really couldn't go anywhere the next day for the rain but we made our way by car into Chatswood shopping centre to do some supplies shopping for the next few days.  Sydney is so busy, the roads are so narrow, everything seems to be living on top of everything. Lucky for us we didn't get lost either in finding Lane Cove National Park, Chatswood and back just using a road map!

On our third day we'd had enough of the rain and being stuck in the van! We headed out with our waterproof jackets, umbrella in hand through the rain making our way to North Ryde railway station on foot to take us into Sydney Central.  We had a great day with the rain eventually letting up for a couple of hours as we treaded on foot to the Sydney Tower Eye, through the beautiful historic Queen Victoria building, The Strand before deciding on a light lunch followed by a well needed coffee.

We thought we'd go to Kings Cross on Friday after the bridge walk, but realised that the bridge walk would be 3 and a half hours so by the time we finished we reckoned we might be a tad tired to head to Kings Cross. With coffee into us we headed into the subway and onto the train to take us to Kings Cross.  It was very ecclectic, very much like St.Kilda...and then the rain came back.  Time done, day done, walking done...we were pooped deciding to head back to the subway back to our van for the night.

Tomorrow is our Bridge Walk. The forecast for tomorrow is more rain. It's also cold at 16 degrees! The Bridge Walk will not be cancelled, in it's information guide, unless it's an electrical storm! We're ready to catch the train to take us into town, have our clothes organised. No camera is allowed to be taken up with you, so a little disappointed there. Sydney has only had 45 minutes of sunshine all week! We'll let you know how we go in the next couple of days!  

It's beginning to look like Christmas!

The view from Circular Quay

The view from Circluar Quay

Welcome to the Opera House

Rain or Shine we did it!
That'll be us tomorrow!
The view of the Opera House
A view of homes across the Harbour
Admiralty House in the background....home of the Governor General
when she is in town (Quentin Bryce 2011)
Another city view
C'mon the train's here!
I just couldn't let this pass me by!!
Sydney Eye Tower
How beautiful a Christmas tree
Time for a coffee
And can you guess where we are???

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Forster Tuncurry, NSW

Our last night in Coffs Harbour farewelled us with a grand thunderstorm, lightning display and lots of rain.  We woke in the morning to sunshining, tennis court dry so no reason to say no to a game.  We headed to the court for an hour before finally moving out on our way to Forster Tuncurry.  Yes! I have to admit that somehow I managed to win. However, I think that Daniel was at the disadvantage as his body was still recovering from playing the last 3 days straight.

My turn to take the wheel for the trip. The road trip covered about 300ks.  It was a good drive through Kempsey onto Forster Tuncurry, where we have visited before with Daniel's sister and her husband about 3 years ago.  As we made our way over the bridge to the caravan park, even though I was driving I noticed fins in the water, asking Daniel what it was we noticed that they were dolphins.  What a beautiful sight.  We set up camp, before neighbours arrived trying to park their van.  To make it easier, we left heading into town to reminisce about our last visit here. 

We'd arrived to stay the obligatory two days but liked it so much that we extended it by another day.  A round of tennis in the morning but both now had really sore heels.  I put it down to playing on a concrete court.  Next time we'll try the synthetic court. On return a trip to the laundry, an outing into town for a few purchases, returning to book the Sydney Harbour Bridge walk for next Friday! Yeah at last.....this was the Christmas present from the our kids and their partners last Christmas and now we're finally booked and heading to Lane Cove National Park for about 3 days in Sydney.

The final morning at Forster Tuncurry saw humid weather that harboured a pending storm overhead.  I headed into town on the bike to take some photos while Daniel headed out to a local fishing spot to see if he could catch something, anything! My bike ride took me to the local wharf which was charming upon which I returned to Daniel to inform him of the spot to which he drove. However, no fish. Instead we headed out for a good coffee. 

It more or less rained for the rest of the afternoon.  We both found ourselves in the caravan for the balance of the afternoon and then into the evening. Nonetheless we both practiced our respective guitars.  I couldn't wait to get dinner organised for the night.  Tomorrow onto Toronto, Lake Macquarie, heading so much closer to home as we head south.  Goodbye to the weather that we've had along this trip.  It's been amazing. 

Forster Tuncurry Bridge between 2 cities

Still ready for a game of tennis

Always the fisherman

..........Oh ! and how do I know that!!!

Pelicans are so beautiful

......I'm so pretty!

Just the usual living accomm!

An enclosed swimming pool on the beach at Forster

A view from the other side of Forster to Tuncurry

The towns and the mouth of Lake Wallis
I think I've done enough posing....bye!